• Lietuviškai


3rd discussion about the upgrade of St. Anne’s Church square

3rd open public discussion on the upgrade of St. Anne’s Church square took place in May 28, 2019 at the Agency. The square located in front of St. Anne’s Church is among the most visited ones because of the precious historic architectural environment. Complex of Gothic St. Anne’s and Bernardines’ Churches with monastery assembled with Renaissance/ Baroque St. Nicholas Church and former Bernardines’ convent is the largest and best preserved monumental compound in Vilnius.

Presentation of initial ideas for the square revitalisation took place at the Agency in September 11, 2018. The 2nd public discussion took place on November 12, 2018. During those discussions it was suggested to decrease a number of car parking places, to search for relevant extent and type of pavement, arrange a drinking water column or fountain, possibly even a summer café terrace. Greenery maintenance in the square was discussed most emotionally. There were different opinions regarding the large trees: to leave them or to prune the trees in order to open a better overview of the architectural complex.

Two updated architectural proposals were presented by architects of municipal company “Vilniaus Planas“ in May 28. Most of participants gave a priority for the 1st proposal (wider paved square with the staircase). People suggested to change the place of pedestrian crossing, to narrow Maironis street along its juncture with the square, creating slower/ safer transport zone in front of St. Anne‘s Church; to decrease a number of car parking or abolish parking at all (though area residents confront it), to mark the place of former cemetery and restore the cemetery‘s chapel in the wall; to use ceramic/clinker tiles for the pavement of the square (as it is in adjacent streets); not use cobble stones (as it’s not comfortable, unsafe in use); to create buffering green zones – bushes/ flower gardens to symbolically separate surrounding houses from the paved area; to improve lightening of the square so that it would not disturb viewing; to keep existing trees as much as it’s possible.