• Lietuviškai


Cultural tradition of Vilnius Verba

Sunday of Easter Palms (in Lithuanian: ‘verbos’) is celebrated one week before Easter, one of the main Catholic holydays. As palms are absent in Lithuania, juniper branches are traditionally used as the symbolic substitute. Unique hand-made verbos appeared in early 19th c in Vilnius region.

Vilnius’ verbos are made of dried natural herbs and flowers, often colored, orderly tied around a wooden stick. Creation and making verbos is crafting skill and time demanding process. Tradition of verbos production was registered into the National List of Intangible Cultural Heritage in 2019.

Verbos has become a cultural symbol of Vilnius. Their use spread through various cultural events and festivals also becoming an exclusive souvenir.

Crafts’ Gallery Sauluva (Pilies 36/Literatu St.3) – member of Vilnius Traditional Crafts Program – demonstrates physical processes of crafting verbos and traditional coloring of  Easter eggs.