• Lietuviškai


Education for children

Summer camps for children „Colours of Vilnius History“ took place in summer 2019. School children from 10 to 14 years were invited to take part this year. Children from poor social families also had possibility to attend the camps because of financing of Vilnius City Municipality.

We have noticed this year that children were especially interested in the newest history of  20th c. and national heroes of the time: Jonas Basanavičius, Darius ir Girėnas, M.K. Čiurlionis, Antanas Gustaitis, etc. Various types and forms of educational activities were used during summer camps: orientation and brain games, lectures, discussions, excursions, visits to the craftsmen workshops. We were happy to see that our camp participants were active, creative, brave and free-minded.

The Information centre prepared a lecture “Vilnius Historic Centre – UNESCO World heritage site“ designated for older school children. The lecture presents the outstanding universal value of Vilnius Historic Centre, its structure, urban development, most important architectural monuments, multinational communities. Lithuanian capital is compared with other neighboring world heritage cities: Riga, Tallinn, Warsaw and Cracow.

We celebrate 25 years anniversary since Vilnius Historic Centre is at the UNESCO World heritage list in 2019.
