• Lietuviškai


Project „Improvement of fire safety of cultural heritage properties“

The Project was implemented during the 2nd half of 2015. The aim of the Project was to share the experience of INTERREG IVC Project “Fire Risk Prevention and Improvement of the Fire Extinction Systems of the Historic Town Centers of Cities named Word Heritage” (HERITPROT) among other Lithuanian counties and municipalities.

Training seminars were organised in Klaipeda (27 08 2015), Kaunas (01 10 2015) and Vilnius (08 09 2015 and 22 10 2015). Cultural heritage managers, heritage conservation and fire prevention specialists (totally 150 participants) took part at the seminars.

Training programme „How to protect cultural heritage properties in the case of fire“ was prepared. The programme consists of 6 parts: Lithuanian cultural heritage, Legal base of fire prevention, Analysis of statistics of fires and planning of prevention, Fires in Lithuanian cultural heritage objects, Fire extinction in Vilnius Old Town, Protection of movable cultural heritage properties in the case of fire.

Description of main cultural heritage properties of Vilnius Old Town (45 objects) was prepared. Information sheets were presented to the officials of Vilnius County Fire and Rescue Board. It is expected that the information will be used for the supplement of Incident Liquidation Plans.