
Presentation of A. Sutzkever’s book “From the Vilna Ghetto to Nuremberg. Memoir and Testimony”
Presentation of Avrom Sutzkever’s book

Capacity Building Seminar on Heritage Interpretation
To explore heritage interpretation in

International Webinar on Heritage Interpretation
The international webinar “Creating meaningful
Programme – “Community Development„
Cultural heritage property owners could be financially supported according to the part of Vilnius Old Town Revitalisation Programme – Community Development.Edukacinė veikla
Virtualūs pasakojimai
Kultūros paveldo objektai gali būti pavieniai ar kompleksą sudarantys objektai, vertingi etniniu, istoriniu, estetiniu ar moksliniu požIūriu.Aplankykite Kalnų parką
Ar žinote, kurioje vietoje, tikėtina, kunigaikštis Gediminas nakvojo, kai susapnavo legendinį Geležinio vilko sapną…
Daina Šėmienė
8 686 908 63

Irena Sakalauskienė
8 5 212 2535
International activity
Participation in European Union and other international projects is the best way to gain up-to-date knowledge of management techniques, tools and experience, and to improve your qualifications and activities to the best.