Excursions and Orientation Games for children


„Why Vilnius is the World Heritage Town“
45 min. thematic walk in Vilnius Old Town for children of 1–4th classes visiting the most interesting places of the site, listed as the UNESCO World Heritage in 1994. Children will get acquainted with Patrimonito, the character welcoming to learn more about maintenance of heritage properties.

„Vilnius – a Multicultural City“
1 hour thematic walk for children of 5–7 classes. Historic tolerance and multiculturality of Vilnius city will be focused during the walk. Children will learn how people from various countries and of different cultural traditions cohabited in Vilnius throughout the centuries.

„Vilnius in a Baroque Europe“
1,5 hour lecture+excursion for children of 8–9 classes. Vilnius is a Baroque city of many important architectural monuments built or reconstructed in 17th – 18th centuries. Children will learn about flourishing period of the city that left the most beautiful towers, domes and silhouettes.


„Footprints of Radziwill Family“
1,5 hour game is for school children of 9–12 classes. Children will have possibility to learn famous noble family stories and to dive into Vilnius of 16th – 18th centuries.

Atnaujinta / Modified: 2024-04-16