OWHC Initiative for Ukrainian Cultural Heritage

In an effort to support and help Ukraine, the Organization of World Heritage Cities is launching the Initiative for Ukrainian Cultural Heritage (OWHC-IUCH). Due to the war, the multicultural and multinational heritage of Ukraine is currently exposed to irreversible loss and irreparable destruction. Ukrainian citizens in L’viv – OWHC member city – and other historic cities are being mobilized, despite their perilous conditions and humanitarian emergencies, in protecting their built and cultural heritage in areas partially affected by the war, but also in heavily damaged areas like in Kharkov, to save what still can be saved. The funds collected through the OWHC-IUCH campaign will help in buying required technical material to protect cultural heritage, supporting the emergency work and accompanying restoration and reconstruction processes. It is in these uncertain times that we must show unity, solidarity, and generosity towards the Ukrainian people. We invite you not only to contribute to the campaign, but also to share massively the initiative. Every donation counts and will certainly make a difference!

L’vivo istorinis centras

Atnaujinimo data: 2022-03-15
