Excursions in the LNM pavilion “Vilnius 200 years ago”

On the occasion of the 700th anniversary of Vilnius, a new exhibition space is operating in the capital – the pavilion “Vilnius 200 years ago”. At the heart of the exhibition is a model “Vilnius in 1834” created on the basis of unique war archive material. The pavilion was created by Lithuanian National Museum. The Agency co-operates with the Museum and invites to excursions “How the old town of Vilnius changed in the 19th century”. The excursions take place on May 31, June 14 and 28, July 31, August 31.

Can you imagine how the old town looked like 200 years ago? There are many places that have remained almost unchanged to this day, but there are also those that were destroyed in the 19th century. More about the excursion:

Atnaujinimo data: 2023-06-02
