Heritage taste lunchtime

“Heritage taste lunchtime” is a cycle of annual awareness rising and historic monuments’ promotion events. Led by architects – restorers the Franciscan’s and St. Theresa Churches as well as Vainiu Palace (Senators’ Passage) were visited this spring. Restorer Robertas Zilinskas introduced architectural and historical research, showed the restored heritage details and new elements added at the complex. This was the 3rd excursion organized by the Agency to the Palace. Visitors could see the Palace first time before its restoration in 2019; then just after the opening of the complex in 2020. Goodwill of the property owner allowed participants of the excursion to see some publicly inaccessible spaces of the complex.
More information (in LT): https://www.vsaa.lt/apie-senamiesti/vainiu-pocieju-rumu-restauravimas-2/

Atnaujinimo data: 2023-06-02
