New publications

The Agency prepared and issued two educative thematic publications for youth in autumn of 2020. The publications are dedicated to the UNESCO World Heritage Year in Lithuania and to the occasion of European Heritage Days; and their development was partially sponsored by the Cultural Heritage Department at the Ministry of Culture.

The leaflet What do you know about old crafts?“ is devoted for children; and it is the second booklet on this theme. The first one, issued in 2011, met an unexpected popularity. The publication is aimed to increase children awareness about historic traditional crafts and their history.

The booklet Patrimonito in Vilnius Old Town” is assigned for children of 7 – 12 years old. It contains many interesting facts, playful illustrations and special worksheets. Aim of the booklet is to involve small children into the discovery of UNESCO heritage values. Previous booklet “Historical capitals of Lithuania – Kernave, Trakai and Vilnius”, issued in 2014, revealed diversity of characters of the UNESCO WH sites: archeological reserve of Kernave, living historic city of Vilnius and former capital Trakai with its reconstructed castle, restored Palace, church and living houses.

In 2021 the Agency plans to issue a new publication about Vilnius Old Town values for pupils. Urban evolution, remaining authentic structural elements and buildings, complex site’s maintenance in 1990 – 2020 with the relevant analogue comparison in Tallinn and Riga would be presented in the publication.

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Atnaujinimo data: 2022-02-28
