Vilnius joins annual European festivity „Rendezvous at the Gardens / Rendez-vous aux jardins“ already for the second time. The Old Town Renewal Agency in coop with Vilnius Evangelical Reformed Church and „Vilnius City Parks“ invites to the educational walk in the Reformatai Park on June 3, 2022:
16.30 the lecture by the priest katech. Holger Lahayne in the Evangelical Reformed Church „History of the Church and the Synod building, monument for Reformats and the parish community life“.
17.00 the walk in the Reformatai Park guided by Jurate Raugaliene (Vilnius Old Town Renewal Agency) and Kristina Narvilienė („Vilnius City Parks“) „The archaeological research, history and conversion of the area. Regeneration of local vegetation and its maintenance“.
The „Rendezvous at the Gardens“ was initiated by the Ministry of Culture of France. It is held every first weekend in June since 2003. This is when gardens and parks are open to the public in Europe, and educational, promotional and entertainment events are being traditionally organised.