Vilnius Crafts Program will continue

In June 2021 Vilnius City Council approved the decision regarding the continuation of the Traditional City Crafts Program till 2030. Special attention was given to the period till 2024 because of Vilnius 700 jubilee in 2023.

Main task of the Program is to encourage the development of traditional urban crafts and to promote Vilnius history and culture. Important objectives are creative interpretation of the crafts production, public and youth involvement, providing educational services such as crafts demonstration, training, exhibitions, publications, etc.; participation in main local and international fairs.

Special conditions of activity were defined for craftsmen: to prepare 1 – 5 exhibitions and 1 new education per year; 1,5 hour of crafts demonstration 2 times per week; free training of crafts once per month, etc.

Craftsmen will be more involved into the analyses of authentic archaeological findings, production of archaeological replicas or their interpretation. Participants of the Program strengthen the colorful tradition of St. Bartholomew Fair. The Fair was organized by the craftsmen already 9 times. The tradition of St. Bartholomew Fair was certificated as the National Lithuanian Heritage.

Craftsmen – participants of the Program friendly invite to visit their galleries workshops!

Atnaujinimo data: 2022-02-28
