Historical Capitals of Lithuania: Evolution of Cultural Landscape"

Vilnius Old Town Renewal Agency initiated and prepared an application of the project "Historical Capitals of Lithuania: Evolution of Cultural Landscape" in January of 2010. The application was presented to the Environmental Project Management Agency under the Ministry of Environment (APVA), following the invitation according to the priority No.1 of the Operational Program for Promotion of Cohesion for 2007-2013 "Local and urban development, preservation of cultural heritage and protection of nature and its adaptation to development of tourism".

Aim of the project is to improve and stimulate the awareness rising of Lithuanian community, especially the youth in the field of integrated preservation of natural and cultural heritage. The most important Lithuanian heritage sites – three historical capitals of Lithuania were selected as the complex target of the Project. Kernavė and Vilnius are UNESCO world heritage sites, and Trakai are nominated for such status. Project partners are the Directorates of the State Cultural Reserve of Kernavė and of Trakai Historical National Park. These partners were chosen on the base of the existing professional co-operation.

Systematic content of the project includes series of educational activities for pupil of Lithuanian schools and students, seminars for teachers, and the international conference of the public awareness rising for management specialists in cultural heritage and environment protection. It is planned to prepare a dedicated exhibition and short film devoted for the integral promotion of the natural and cultural values of the three historical sites.

The experience of cross institutional co-operation during the Project implementation would enable the development of innovative means for the integral awareness rising in the field of cultural and environmental protection. The exhibition and film in Lithuanian, English and Russian languages would be distributed in Lithuanian academic institutions, through the tourism information centers, and, possibly, through the Lithuanian embassies world wide. The implementation of the project could become an exemplary one and stimulate development of similar projects among the countries in the Baltic Sea region.