• Lietuviškai


Community Development Programme updated

House owners of Vilnius Old Town area can be financially supported according to the part of Vilnius Old Town Revitalisation Programme “Community Development“. Aim of this subprogramme is to restore and renew environment and exteriors of the Old Town buildings with a special attention to the restoration of authentic  details. Co-operation of municipal and private funds started in 2000; unfortunately it was stopped by the financial crisis in 2008.

Vilnius City Council updated the subprogramme and allocated recourses for the support of house owners by the Decision No 1-1185 of 2017 10 11. The municipal support  may be up to 50% of all necessary amount.

We invite house owners of Vilnius Old Town area who wish to improve their buildings and environment to apply to Vilnius Old Town Renewal Agency for information regarding possible financial support. The implementation of renewal projects depends on your initiative.

Application form, the Decision and the description (in LT language):

Vilnius Old Town Renewal Agency, Stiklių St. 4. tel. (8 5) 212 2535 (Kęstutis Masaitis), el.p. k.masaitis@vsaa.lt