• Lietuviškai


European Heritage Days 2020

During the annual celebration of the European Heritage Days (EHD) „Cultural Heritage and Education“  in September 11 – 20, 2020, the Agency organized 8 thematic events in Vilnius (3 walks, 4 educational and 1 presentation of a publication with a quiz). 2 youth educational publications  „What do you know about old crafts?“  and „Patrimonito in Vilnius Old Town“ were issued. Development of the events and publications were partially sponsored by the Department of  Cultural Heritage at the Ministry of Culture.

The Agency co-ordinates Vilnius Traditional Crafts Programme since 2002, and that’s why it was targeted during the EHD. Families with children  were invited by 4 amber, stained-glass, textile, ceramics craftsmen galleries for educational practices.  Authentic heritage elements of historical buildings from 15-16 c. are exposed in buildings’ cellars in Sv. Mykolo St. 8 and Stikliu St. 6.

2 excursions were organized in the newly opened „Senatoriu pasazas“, former 17th c. Vainiu (Pocieju) Palace, Dominikonu St. 11. J. Raugaliene, the architect of the Agency made an introduction to the excursions about maintenance of UNESCO world heritage site and municipal support to local heritage owners. Architect – restorer R. Zilinskas told about the history and investigations, and A. Kausiniene about conservation of murals at the buildings’ complex.

Excursion for children „Old and New Traku Street“ was guided by D. Semiene, Head of the Old Town Information Centre. Children learned how the old buildings are preserved, restored and adapted to the new life. Finally a presentation of the new publication „Patrimonito in Vilnius Old Town“ took place at the Agency Hall in Stiklu St. 4.

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