• Lietuviškai


Excursion for families in Vilnius Bernardine Garden

Rendez-vous in the European gardens – it’s the international initiative of the French Ministry of Culture. Dedicated annual events take place all over the Europe on June 4 – 6, 2021. The Agency in partnership with NGO “Vilnius City Parks” joined this public cross-European thematic event in 2021. Historic development and vegetation of Bernardinai (Bernardine) garden was introduced by specialists of the Agency and “Vilnius City Parks” on June 4th. Groups for parents and children were formed for separate programmes. The outdoor exhibition ,,Vilnius Historic parks and gardens‘‘ is exposed in the garden on June 5 – 21.

Info about the event is announced at the Rendez-vous in the European gardens 2021

Bernardine Garden has a unique location in the city – the park was established between the early wooden „Higher Town“ that was burnt in 1390 during the Crusaders’ raid (never rebuilt afterwards) and the „Lower Town“ of masonry construction built in the valley since 14th c. The southern part of the garden belonged to monastery and was called Bernardines’ Garden since 15th c. Monks drained and cultivated the area, planted fruit trees, therapeutic herb and vegetable gardens, established ponds. The biologic heritage from 17th c. is the oldest, 400 years old oak tree.

The swampy northern part of the area belonged to the Grand Duke of Lithuania. There were several channels and dams of the river Vilnia, water mills and workshops functioned. This household quarter of the Dukes’ Palace was abandoned after the 18th c. fires. The Botanical Garden of Vilnius University was established here in 1797. This Garden had collection of several thousands of plants, several greenhouses and orangeries. The plan of the Garden was mostly geometrical though with elements of landscaped garden design: channels, bridges and summerhouses. The Botanical Garden was closed in 1842 after the first regional uprising against the Russian Empire in 1831. The Bernardine Monastery was closed in 1864 after the second mass uprising in 1863. The garden was disposed to the local government.

The first public garden of the city was established in 1886 – 1888 according to the design of a designer A. Strauss and engineer Jasinski. The former ponds were used and the complicated neo-baroque plan was created. The park had wooden fence, the main and the side gates, parterres, fountains, benches and summerhouses. It became a popular recreation and entertainment site of Vilnius citizens. The modern style Sumer theatre operated here in 1907– 1939.

The park was renamed Jaunimo (the Youth) Garden after the WWII. It was redesigned and was given the main central lime-lined boulevard. The cinema “Vasara” was built at the end of the boulevard as well as various attractions for children and dance-floor.

The Bernardine Garden was renovated and its historic name restored by Vilnius Municipality in 2013 with the partial support of EU funding. The 19th c. planning, rock-garden, rotunda hill, ponds and cobbles of watersides were recreated. Herb garden was planted to commemorate the former monks’ garden and the beds of perennial decorative plants with labels were planted to commemorate the former Botanical Garden. The musical and light fountain, rose beds, parterres, benches, play grounds, chess tables, modern lighting of paths and plants were established. Today this is a popular public recreation place, especially loved by families. Exhibitions, traditional city festivals and public events are organized here. Public gathering of Byelorussian youth refugees took place in the Garden in spring 2021.