The project „Advancement of UNESCO World Heritage sites’ maintenance in Vilnius, Riga and Tallinn“ was implemented during May 18, 2020 – October 15, 2021. It was partially financed by the Nordic-Baltic Mobility Programme.
The open cross-city data and cooperation platform, reflecting a comparative state of affairs and maintenance of three historic cities was developed: Partners of the project: City Development Department of Riga City Council and Heritage Conservation Division of Tallinn City Council. The project was dedicated to the 25th anniversaries of inclusion of these cities to UNESCO World Heritage list. Vilnius celebrated the anniversary in 2019, Riga and Tallinn celebrates in 2022.
Workshops were organised in all three cities exchanging experience and tendencies in the field of public involvement in heritage conservation, new constructions in historic cities and their buffer zones and conservation awareness rising of youth. The project fostered public recognition/awareness rising in better understanding of cultural heritage values, as well as modern historic urban landscape approach related with economic, social and cultural livability of cities.
1st meeting in Riga took place on July 8 – 10, 2020.
The exhibition „Preservation and maintenance of Vilnius Old Town 1994 – 2019“ prepared by Vilnius Old Town Renewal Agency was opened in Riga Town Hall on July 9, 2020.
2nd meeting took place in Tallinn on July 14 – 15, 2021.
The Final meeting took place in Vilnius on September 23 – 24, 2021.