Conference "Promotion of Traditional Crafts in Lithuania in 1995–2015.
Needs and
Possibilities of Establishment of the Training and Exibition
Centre of Traditional Crafts in Vilnius
October 23, 2015, Vilnius

International Cultural Heritage Forum
“Evolution and Preservation of Historic Urban Landscape"

The closing plenary session of Heritprot project at the Council
Hall of Vilnius municipality on the 17th of October, 2014

Seminar "Route of the UNESCO World Heritage Cities in the Baltic States"

HERITPROT Final Event in La Laguna (2–4 of July 2014)

Educational Project „Historical Capitals of Lithuania“

Summer Camp in Vilnius Old Town Renewal Agency

Programming of 2014 – 2020 EU fund

Publication „Route of the UNESCO World Heritage Cities in the Baltic States

"Local action plan Vilnius Old Town" was prepared and published
(Project HerO – Heritage as Opportunity)

In December 2010 Vilnius Old Town Renewal Agency prepared 3 project applications following the Lithuanian Cultural Fund call for 2011

Vilnius Old Town Renewal Agency developed 4 applications for the Cultural Support Programme in November 2010, to be funded by Vilnius Municipality in 2011

Project "World heritage – for schools"

New projects: "Summer Camp for Children 2010“ and
„Vilnius City Self-government and the Town Hall"

International seminar on Restoration of A.G. Casparini‘s organ

Walking Tour "Traditional Crafts‘ Revival in Vilnius"

Expert Workshop of the URBACT HerO Project – Heritage as Opportunity in Vilnius

PROJECT "Historical Capitals of Lithuania: Evolution of Cultural Landscape"Project "Historic Vilnius Organs"

Vilnius Old Town Renewal Agency implemented an international Project „Safeguard of Traditional Wooden Architecture of Vilnius City” in August – November of 2009.

The Project "Safeguard of Wooden Architectural Heritage in Vilnius”,
The First Seminar of the Project, 2009/10/29–30, Vilnius

Renewal of Recommendations on Historic Urban Landscapes

Lithuanian Cultural Support Fund approved financial support
for second half-year of 2009

Activities in summer 2009

EAHTR (European Association of Historic Towns and Regions) Study Tour & Seminar “European Historic Cities and their Policies for Cultural Heritage” took place in Vilnius, on 8–10th of July, 2009.

Good-practice compilation (GPC) is prepared in the framework of the URBACT II project HerO. 18 Good-practice examples (GPE) are described divided around 8 topics related to 2 main HerO themes “Visual integrity” and “Integrated revitalisation approach”.

The group of Norwegian carpenters visited Vilnius Old Town Renewal Adency

Two wooden buildings (Traidenio St. 35 and Puđř St. 16) were restored and upgraded in 2008. All works were financed in direct co-operation of private and municipal resources (50 % each). All the restored and upgraded buildings are listed in the Register of Immovable Cultural Properties.


Conclusions of Vilnius Regional seminar
"High-Rise Buildings and Historic City Centre"

Exhibition "Vilnius High-Rise Buildings and Historic City Centre"

Case Study of Vilnius Old Town Revitalisation 1995 - 2005.

On 10-13 of February, 2006, an International Workshop "The Preparation of the Study of Experience of Vilnius Old Town Preservation and Revitalisation 1995 - 2005" took part in OTRA.